Importance of Trividh pariksha in current clinical practice.
Date :- 18-12-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Mechanism of labour
(Department of Prasuti Tantra evum Stri Roga)
Date :- 04-12-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
MADA & MADATYAY and Management of Ethanol Poisoning (Due to accidental consumption of Hand sanitizer in COVID19 PANDEMIC)
Presented by DR. PRAJWAL MHASKE (Professor & HOD)
(Department of Agadtantra)
Date :- 27-11-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Explanation of jaundice and bilirubin metabolism
w.r.s. Ayurvedic view of kamala
Presented by DR. RADHA HARA (Assistant Professor, Kayachikitsa – P.G .Dept.)
Date :- 20-11-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Role of Dincharya as a preventive aspect of Eye Disorders
Presented by DR. VED PRAKASH GUPTA (Assistant Professor, Swasthvritta)
Date :- 13-11-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Discussion on pranavaha srotas wsr to modern lungs Anatomy
Presented by DR. AKHILESH JOSHI (Assistant Professor, Rachana Sharir)
Date :- 30-10-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
स्वर्णप्राशन संस्कार 29-10-2021
Yogasan in ANC
Presented by DR. PARVATI GANGOTRI (Assistant Professor, Kayachikitsa)
Date :- 23-10-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Important Herbs around us & their uses
Presented by DR. PRAGYAN TRIPATHI (Assistant Professor, Dravyagun Vigyan)
Date :- 16-10-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Overview of Charak Samhita
Presented by DR. RASHMI PATHAK (Professor, Siddhant Samhita)
Date :- 09-10-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Pandu Rog Evan Pandu Rog Chikitsa in Ayurved
Presented by DR. PRITI SHARMA (Associate Professor, Roga Nidan Evam Vikritiikriti Vigyan)
Date :- 02-10-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Dead body dissection Present and ancient
Presented by DR. MURALIRAM RANWA (Assistant Professor, Rachana Sharir)
Date :- 25-09-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Physiology of Blood
Presented by DR. VIDHYA NAGONKAR (Professor, Physiology)
Date :- 18-09-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Clinical Research Overview in Drug Development
Presented by DR. HRISHIKESH RANGNEKAR (Professor & HOD, Swastha Vritta)
Date :- 11-09-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
स्वर्णप्राशन संस्कार 04-09-2021
Management of Amavata in Ayurved.
Presented by Dr. Yash Patel (Assistant Professor, Kayachikitsa)
Date :- 28-08-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Grahani…….A life style disorder with special reference to irritable bowel syndrome.
Presented by Dr. Archana Tiwari (Assistant Professor, Kayachikitsa)
Date :- 21-08-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Modification of Granthokt Upanah Swedan for Clinical Practice.
Presented by Dr. Rahul D. Palshetkar (Professor, Samhita Siddhant)
Date :- 14-08-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
स्वर्णप्राशन संस्कार
ASOM – Karnasrava Rog & Management.
Presented by Dr. Priyanka Dubey (Assistant Professor, Shalakya)
Date :- 07-08-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Management of cervical Spondylitis with Yoga & Exercise.
Presented by Dr. Manish Chouhan (Assistant Professor, Panchkarma)
Date :- 24-07-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
Clinical Examination of Respiratory System.
Presented by Dr. Mangi Pure (Assistant Professor, Rog Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan)
Date :- 17-07-2021 Time :- 4.00 P.M.
National Seminar 13th & 14th May 2018
“Anveshana – 2018”